February 10, 2011

Breastfeeding, best for babies

Having Success in Breastfeeding
By Fera Andriani

Nature ensures that mother’s body will be prepared to breastfeed the baby after nine months of pregnancy. Breastfeeding is the best source of nutrients given to babies. Nursing and breastfeeding a baby are acquired skills. It will require patience and time on both mom and baby.
To begin breastfeeding her baby as soon as possible will be encourage by most healthcare providers. But when there was a difficulty in delivery such as a cesarean section, then breastfeeding isn’t encouraged by some instances. Some babies immediately take to the breast, and find themselves breastfeeding without any effort. A mother should give her breastmilk to her baby anytime it wants. Don't worry, the baby has its own moment to ask the mother's milk. Babies have their own way to apply discipline
However, there are some mothers have a problem when they tried to breastfeed their baby. It happens in some cases such as a premature birth.
So, in this case, mother should wait the right moment and encourage the baby to start breastfeeding when it is ready. To create an environment that is as calm as possible is the best way to start breastfeeding. Both parents should support each other  to gain the success. Other helpful tip to breastfeeding is keeping a drink nearby. It is necessary to keep up mother’s fluid intake. But being in a comfortable nursing position is the most important key to a successful breastfeeding.
Generally, the position which is chosen by most new mothers while nursing and breastfeeding is sitting upright on a chair. But, lying down on mother’s side is a solution when the mothers feel tired. Ensure that the baby is held close to mother’s whole body, facing the breast. And the baby’s chest should be next to mother’s chest. Make sure both mom and baby are comfortable. It’s a simple and important position for breastfeeding successfully. The mother should not pinch her nipple between two fingers, as it can prevent her baby from breastfeeding successfully.
When some babies automatically begin to suck the nipple as soon as they feel mother’s breast on their cheek, it means they have the natural breastfeeding instinct. They also know if the breast is empty by falling asleep or letting the nipple out of their tiny mouth. Then, it’s time to breastfeed with the other breast.
If the mother feels that she needs to stop her baby from breastfeeding, the most effective and easiest way is to break the breastfeed with her fingers. Sometimes, a mother needs a break from breastfeeding.  So, she can pump her breast milk into a bottle. It’s a solution when the mother is returning to work or on the run. It will provide the baby with the same nutrients that he received while breastfeeding.
Every one agrees that mother’s milk is the best for the baby. So when the mother will need to stop it, to provide proper transition, she should do this gradually.

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