February 21, 2011

Pregnancy travel tips

Travel Tips for Pregnant Woman
by Fera Andriani

Besides happiness, pregnancy is also an alarming period. Most of the women who are pregnant to take actions that extra caution in all things, including if it will go. Careful planning is necessary to avoid the things that are not desirable. Here are some guidelines for safe and convenient travel for pregnant women:

1. Consult with your doctor - your doctor should be informed about your travel plans so that he can provide information on whether you are in good working condition or not to travel. If it turns out your high-risk pregnancy, you need extra attention.

2. Plan your travel schedule well-At the time of the second trimester is the moment to travel. Since most emergencies usually occur in the first and third trimester. Safe travel by plane to 34 weeks of pregnancy but flight rules may vary, so check it out for anticipation.

3. Gather your medical records - vital health information you should prepare. Have emergency numbers can also be contacted, i.e. your doctor, for example. Take your prenatal chart.

4. Bring essential drugs, you should have enough supplies of medicines based on prescription, special vitamins pregnant women, and other medications you might need. Also, look for a list of the closest maternity hospital to your destination when you travel on arrival time of birth. It is important also to take anti-nausea pill if you experience motion sickness, but consult with your doctor.

5. Reduce physical activity - Pregnancy can affect balance and coordination so as not advisable to try new physical activities when you are pregnant. Avoid swimming in the ocean because it can increase the risk of vaginal infection or womb. If you drive, do not forget to bring a thin pillow to provide a comfortable position for your content.

Pregnancy does not restrict your ability to travel except in the last weeks or months where you will be recommended not to travel and this period in your pregnancy is one of the highest risks. However, when you have to go and if able to take a short break, remember these tips safe travel during pregnancy. These tips will help to make you and your baby safe.

Have a nice trip!

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February 15, 2011

Puberty for girls

What Happens During Female Puberty
A Guide for Teen Girls

By Rozalyn Woods
"What happens during puberty" is the big question running through most girl's minds as they enter their teen years. Female puberty is something that every girl goes through although every girl's experience with it will be a little bit different.

Female puberty is the time of your life when you mature into a woman and your body becomes capable of reproducing. Sometime between the ages of 8-15 years old you will begin to notice many changes happening to your body. What happens during puberty can be both exciting and little scary since it is all new to you. Don't worry because your body is programmed to know what to do and you just have to sit back and enjoy the experience of growing up and becoming a woman. One thing to remember is that the experience will be more enjoyable if you know what to expect and what not to expect, so I will break it down for you so that you have no worries.

First, not every one develops at the same time and in the exact same way so it is important to not compare yourself to others, just observe your body and how it develops. This is easier said then done, especially if you are unhappy with some of the changes. Hang in there, it takes several years to fully develop so how you look and feel in the end may be much different from how you look and feel now.

Second, there are different stages of development that you will go through. These are broken down according to the changes you notice in your body at different times during your preteen and teen years. You can not rush through any one stage, and some stages you may be in longer then others.

Third, it should not be painful to go through female puberty but at times it may be uncomfortable. For example, your breast will grow and get a little tender, you may get cramps when you start your period and menstrual bleeding in general can be bothersome. If you feel a lot of pain or have any concerns that something is wrong then you should talk to your doctor about it.

What happens during puberty that you can get excited about?
1. You will get taller and more curvy.
2. Your breast enlarge and get more shapely.
3. Your brain changes and you will be able to think more abstractly.

What happens during puberty that can be a "bummer" and how do I overcome these things?

Some less fun things that may happen to you during female puberty are:
1. Acne: most teens get acne, some get it worse than others. There are many different products you can use to help with acne and it may take some experimentation to find what works best for you. If your acne is severe then it may be a good idea to see a Dermatologist and they can give you a prescription medication or cream to help.

2. Extra Emotional: You may also be emotional,and this can be a new and startling thing. Due to your hormones which cause all changes during puberty, you will likely experience some emotional changes including feeling more moody and be more attracted to boys, especially cute ones! You may feel irritable, sad or grumpy. This usually happens a week or two before you get your period and is due to the surging hormones in your body that cause you to menstruate.

3. Menstruation (you get your period): Once you get your period you will have to start wearing pads or tampons.

4. Genital and Armpit Hair: You will notice more hair on your body (in some spots you have never had any before) including on your genitals and under your arms. At this point, it may be a good idea to start shaving your legs and armpits.

5. Body odor: Along with smelling bad you will sweat more often and it helps to shower often and wear deodorant. It is a good idea to get a deodorant that is also an antiperspirant (stops perspiration which is another word for sweat) to help with this.

As you can see, there is a lot to look forward to from going through female puberty. Although the experience is not always easy, it is normal and there is nothing to fear.

In conclusion,What happens during puberty is that you grow up and BECOME A WOMAN!

Puberty can be a confusing time for preteen and teen girls. Learn about all the changes in girls during puberty from breast growth, to pubic hair, to self-esteem, peer pressure, acne and much more on the ultimate puberty website http://www.female-puberty.com and you can also write the puberty expert that wrote this article through the puberty help page on the site.

February 13, 2011


How to face pregnancy in Islamic way?
By Fera Andriani

Pregnancy is a beautiful phenomenon in human life, especially for females. It should be welcomed thankfully to God. But unfortunately sometimes we find in reality life women who are still confused or even frustrated when they had pregnancy.
Many factors cause this thing and one of it is the less-preparation to face the pregnancy. The less-preparation can happen from any side, mentally, monetary, physically, or spiritually.
Islam offers some solution to prepare and face the pregnancy so Moslems can through it well. The first thing is praying to God consistently, day and night. The pairs should pray to God humbly, whishing that the newborn baby will be born perfectly, safe and healthy at the right moment. Because we live in weirdly time. Nowadays the weather is so unpredictable. Storm, gale, tornado, tsunami, flood, are always be menace any time, any where. The couples should pray to God too, wishing the child to be a good behaved kid and be a kind man in the future. Without forgetting to pray, may God give the prosperity in order to raise the children well.
The second solution, Islam teaches the pairs, especially the mother to be, to keep doing good activity. Pregnancy is not a closure of doing many activities such as teaching, going to work, or social projects. Those things are good to habituate the baby to do the virtue earlier, even since it was in mother’s uterus.
The third solution, Islam teaches the believers especially the parents to be, to recite Koran more during the pregnancy. Reciting the verses can make the feeling calm and avoid stress.
By doing those solutions, and with the God willing, the women will face the pregnancy happily, and be ready to give birth and prepare themselves for breastfeeding.

February 10, 2011

Breastfeeding, best for babies

Having Success in Breastfeeding
By Fera Andriani

Nature ensures that mother’s body will be prepared to breastfeed the baby after nine months of pregnancy. Breastfeeding is the best source of nutrients given to babies. Nursing and breastfeeding a baby are acquired skills. It will require patience and time on both mom and baby.
To begin breastfeeding her baby as soon as possible will be encourage by most healthcare providers. But when there was a difficulty in delivery such as a cesarean section, then breastfeeding isn’t encouraged by some instances. Some babies immediately take to the breast, and find themselves breastfeeding without any effort. A mother should give her breastmilk to her baby anytime it wants. Don't worry, the baby has its own moment to ask the mother's milk. Babies have their own way to apply discipline
However, there are some mothers have a problem when they tried to breastfeed their baby. It happens in some cases such as a premature birth.
So, in this case, mother should wait the right moment and encourage the baby to start breastfeeding when it is ready. To create an environment that is as calm as possible is the best way to start breastfeeding. Both parents should support each other  to gain the success. Other helpful tip to breastfeeding is keeping a drink nearby. It is necessary to keep up mother’s fluid intake. But being in a comfortable nursing position is the most important key to a successful breastfeeding.
Generally, the position which is chosen by most new mothers while nursing and breastfeeding is sitting upright on a chair. But, lying down on mother’s side is a solution when the mothers feel tired. Ensure that the baby is held close to mother’s whole body, facing the breast. And the baby’s chest should be next to mother’s chest. Make sure both mom and baby are comfortable. It’s a simple and important position for breastfeeding successfully. The mother should not pinch her nipple between two fingers, as it can prevent her baby from breastfeeding successfully.
When some babies automatically begin to suck the nipple as soon as they feel mother’s breast on their cheek, it means they have the natural breastfeeding instinct. They also know if the breast is empty by falling asleep or letting the nipple out of their tiny mouth. Then, it’s time to breastfeed with the other breast.
If the mother feels that she needs to stop her baby from breastfeeding, the most effective and easiest way is to break the breastfeed with her fingers. Sometimes, a mother needs a break from breastfeeding.  So, she can pump her breast milk into a bottle. It’s a solution when the mother is returning to work or on the run. It will provide the baby with the same nutrients that he received while breastfeeding.
Every one agrees that mother’s milk is the best for the baby. So when the mother will need to stop it, to provide proper transition, she should do this gradually.